Karren Brady wants to make Payet stand, but admits sale is likely

Dimitri Payet: Likely to leave this month
West Ham chief executive Karren Brady admits the Hammers are likely to backed into a corner over Dimitri Payet and will be forced to sell the player – but claims she would personally make a stand and refuse to let him leave.
The French playmaker has told the club he does not wish to play for them again amid claims of a £20million bid from his former club Marseille, which has been rejected.
West Ham are reported to have already sounded out a replacement for Payet, but in the meantime, Brady has admitted that the player is likely to be sold.
“With this attitude I suppose that probably sooner rather than later he will be on his way,” Brady told The Sun.
“We have already made him our highest-paid player but there has been plenty of evidence recently of his lost motivation.
“We will carry on trying to keep him, of course, but his attitude will affect the whole team unless it changes radically.
“Personally I would not sell him for any price.
“After all if every player did not respect the validity of their contract, the result would be chaos.”