Forum Rules & Reporting a Post

This topic contains 35 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by MightyM MightyM 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #650593
    Mark Holmes
    Mark Holmes
    • :


    Behave on the Forum as you would in real life. We will not tolerate bullying, or any form of anti-social behaviour.

    Be respectful towards others at all times, otherwise you WILL be suspended or banned from posting altogether.

    Do not post purely to antagonise others. The forum is meant to sensibly debate football, not point score against your team’s rivals.

    – Racism or any other form of discrimination will result in an instant and permanent ban.

    – While we welcome mature debate, no adult material, or links to adult material, should be posted.

    – Do not create multiple accounts. Doing so will result in a suspension or ban.

    Removal of posts

    We reserve the right to remove any post which:

    – Is written in a language other than English.

    – Is deemed offensive towards another poster/person.

    – May be deemed to be in breach of the law.

    – Breaches copyright.

    – Advertises a product.

    – Includes personal details.

    – Links to any website we deem unsuitable.

    – Is deemed to be ‘spam’, i.e. multiple posts containing the same or similar content.

    The general forum is for sensible football debate ONLY and we reserve the right to delete any posts for any reason. We also reserve the right to ban any users for any reason. If you have any issues with a moderator’s decision, e-mail us at, but DO NOT use the forum to complain.

    Reporting a post

    If you want to report a post that breaks our house rules, please e-mail us at

    Changing your avatar

    – Click on your username in the top right
    – Click edit
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    Joe Kinghere
    Joe Kinghere
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    Joe Kinghere

    Hi Mark
    I can’t seem to “unsubscribe” from the Newcastle Your Say topics I am shown as subscribed to. I have clicked the Unsubscribe icon and unticked the “notify me by e-mail of replies” – to no avail.
    pls help!

    Punch Metz
    Punch Metz
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    Mark Holmes. There are few of us now because of this new format I know you can’t tell us but is there any way YOU can sent a message to THE GLAZIER to say his friends miss him?

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    In the past there were 2 topics on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Both topics were long running spanning into many pages. The discussions were robust and heated. There was little to no insults or bad language, that’s to say no more than on most mega-threads on hot topics. Naturally, speculations were made and opinions formed about the case.

    My question is, why were the topics deleted?

    The suggestion has been made that the subject matter is deemed unsuitable but this is a subject widely discussed on the net, in the press and on TV with all manner of theories, speculations being put forward.

    A clarification would be helpful to users in order to prevent topics being created on subjects the site does not want discussed or to prevent discussions going in directions it doesn’t want.


    nine nine nine
    • :

    Just for clarification Mac if you are referring to me in you post above I didn’t suggest the subject matter was deemed unsuitable albeit it was obviously a very sensitive subject my guess as to why the threads were deleted was because they strayed into dangerous areas of accusations and apportioning blame that the Editors might have been sensitive to for all sorts of reasons.

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    @nine nine nine – Its pretty much the same thing. A topic about any mysterious unsolved crime is bound to involve speculation (accusations) on whodunnit. Look at wiki, media articles, TV documentaries, internet forums for any famous case. It always includes discussion of theories (accusations) about suspects.

    Anyhow, instead of you speculating what the Editors “might have been sensitive to” its probably best if you let them speak for themselves.


    Big K
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    Bad language in posts spoils the read for many fans, bad language in the post title is unacceptable and moderators should delete, please. As I said before to individuals, youngsters read this site and an example should be set.


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    Hi, pls kindly delete a post from RDP (A Chelsea fan) on the Liverpool site @10:53sm on 15 April 19. Uncalled for.

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    Don’t know who is in charge of the site but can you please inform me as to how I have my registration cancelled.

    Not interested in stay on you may change your mind blah blah blah.

    Sick to death of posters being allowed to come on here and insult other posters because they have a different opinion than them.

    Please remove my registration and advise me by email once it has been done. Do not want to invoke my legal rights at refusal to carry out my instructions etc etc but will not shy away from doing so.


    nine nine nine
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    NI, I can’t believe that you’ve had your registration removed.

    If you’re posts are going up on here absolutely no reason why they wouldn’t be going up on the Chelsea site.

    I’ll have a look but it doesn’t make sense to me particularly as you have been posting on the Chelsea site a few minutes before your post above.

    I know that sometimes there can be logging on problems.

    I can’t understand it but I’ve e mailed the Ed and asked him to look into it for you but it’s a gremlin mate.


    James Marshment
    • :

    Hi NI Blue.

    We advise posters to simply take a break, rather than deleting registrations to the site. I can put a freeze on your account if you so desire but deleting you will make it permanent.
    Either way, just not posting is the best way around it.

    Let me know if you need further help.



    nine nine nine
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    Apologies NI I completely misinterpreted your post a function of watching the City game and the same time.

    I’m still mystified I can’t find anything on the Chelsea site that suggests someone has insulted you and as you are aware I tend to edit out any insults towards other posters on the Chelsea site.

    Let James and I know what and where the problem is and we can sort it out but don’t leave the site. Cheers 999

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    NIBlue, there are some posters around that we tend to just shrug our shoulders and accept it when they stop posting or get themselves banned however there are also posters around here that make us stand up and take notice when not all is well. You are one that has made me stand up and take notice. You are a fabulous poster with a wealth of knowledge and a real asset. We are all mystified. I encourage you to stay as part of this family on here that supports the greatest football club on earth. What I would like to see though is you privately discuss your grievances with James and/or 999 which would enable them to manage the issue at hand and take action as necessary to draw a line in the sand with certain individuals.

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    999 Sometimes what can be or are perceived as derogatory comments regarding an opinion can be delivered on an all encompassing general basis, not specifically directed at a certain person, especially when the opinion is divided. That derogatory comment however can affect people differently. Some take it as a personal affront, others disregard it. I believe that to be the case in this instance and fully respect NIBlue’s feelings in that regard, in particular when those types of responses are not one offs on the site, whether it be from one individual or multiple individuals.

    Sarri has divided us all with our opinions this season one way or the other and appears to be central to most of our problems 😉


    nine nine nine
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    I totally endorse 1967’s post @4:05am.

    Best to e mail James directly now at and tell him exactly what the problem is so we can sort his out for you. I’ve have already spoken to James re your concerns. Cheers 999

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    yeah lets email directly because without that the Eds dont give a flying fuck…and even if you email them they will likley shit on you and ignore the issues that cause the email….

    been on this site since 2001….half the “Eds” were likley not born then

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    A little harsh me thinks there Steveo. Thought you were better than that, in fact I’m sure you are.


    nine nine nine
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    Stevo, I emailed James last night on NI’s problem? And in fairness to James he reacted immediately.

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    i stand by my comments lads

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    Bullying and abuse are against the rules of this website. I think you need to take a scan through the ‘Hendo-watch’ thread and at the very least, delete it. I’d be willing to accept a ban for my part in the mess but I think that Ginger and Bingo have been way over the line in their unrelenting bullying of Davinci.

    We’re grown men and this is unacceptable behaviour. Its not a one off , it’s on going, day in day out and these 2 have chased off a number of good posters. This site is dying because of people like them.

    I’ll accept my own responsibility in what I think has been the worst history in my 2+ decades on this site.

    it has to stop though and it’s clear that negotiating or talking to people isn’t going to work because they keep coming back, like the sadists that they are.

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