The Corona Virus.

This topic contains 191 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  mufc 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1835005

    nine nine nine
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    “FA Chairman Greg Clarke is now worried that the season will not be able to reach a conclusion which could mean Liverpool will not be crowned champions for the first time in 30 years after all.

    If the FA chairman’s worry comes true then clubs will lose billions of pounds in TV money – the Premier League alone could be slapped with losses mounting up to £750million.

    The reality for the Premier League and Uefa is that if they don’t complete their seasons then they are in breach of their broadcasting contracts.” Daily Express


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    I’m down for a lockdown, not sure how the rest of you feel about this.


    Laughing Lenny
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    Gregg Clark can show his “worry” as much has he likes. But it cuts no ice. He’s getting paid a bundle for fudging all kinds of things anyway.

    If Liverpool aren’t crowned Champions this season then something’s seriously amiss.

    Nine. The Daily Express have no credentials whatsoever either as a newspaper, or to say otherwise, one way or the other!


    Laughing Lenny
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    Bingo, it’s all water under under the bridge now.
    Don’t worry, stay healthy!


    nine nine nine
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    Bingo, don’t shoot the messenger mate.😊

    Here’s my take on it all if the worst comes to the worst was posted on the Liverpool site.

    “For this season a simple solution might be to average out the current number of points each team has and then extrapolate that times 38 games by no means perfect but it might be the only and fairest way to firstly confirm the title (obviously Liverpool’s) as well as European,relegation and promotion places?”

    Problem is nothing is certain and there are a lot bigger things than football to worry about.


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    Preperation is key?


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    97 deaths now in Iran. Health officials say 12,729 people have been infected.


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    China now pointing the finger at the US military, trying to say they somehow unleashed it within Wuhan.


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    dudes… I’m here in Iceland and right now we are blitzing the record for the virus on per capita… The virus is nothing to worry about as long as you try to keep it under control and use hand sanitizers but we are lucky over here. We got more hospital beds per capita than most areas affected. Its just about keeping the hospitals from being overcrowded and if you can postpone the spread you are saving lives. Its as easy as that but the spread is inevitable and in a couple of months they will probably have vaccines ready but quite honestly that’s not for me. I don’t need to get a vaccine for a virus that I can easily recover from but as soon as that is available, it will be business as usual.

    The amount of fear mongering is crazy, when most people are just coming together and staying in for the benefit of their elders and singing their hearts out on the balcony as they are bored to death. You could see those videos in Wuhan and in Italy right now on youtube, I love them, says a lot about what people do when under pressure. The main problem is the economy, the us is printing out 1.5 trillion dollars to cope with this, mean while the Saudis are lowering the price of crude oil to such a level that it is not worth it to drill for oil on other places.

    Something big is going on in the background, I kinda feel like this is just a new kind of form of manipulation by the media, every country effected has lost so much money.


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    Bingo – Stay safe and healthy buddy.


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    no worries mate… Its all good, which is not what I can say about the probability of a election in the US this summer 😉


    Laughing Lenny
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    Mufc. Why do you constantly persist in posting information that’s already out there? It’s futile. Why not try to be a little more proactive in your posts.

    Ask yourself this: Is it really any surprise that China is pointing a finger at the US after Trump’s performance? If you have a point one way or the other on the subject then post it.

    The death toll in Iran is of course very sad, but why are the powers that be in that country not taking appropriate action for their people?

    If you have the slightest clue to either of these questions, then do feel free to let us know. We are all ears,


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    Lenny I’ll post how I feel. You’re not the guvnor of this forum so get off your high horse. I’ll continue to post how I feel without dictating how others should post. If you don’t like it don’t read it. Otherwise go and fuck yourself.


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    Lenny, the powers that be in Iran can’t take actions as there is a blockade on the country, they can’t go through the same channels as everyone else to even buy the test for the virus. They need to buy basic stuff for their hospitals and we as the almighty sovereigns of the world forbid it…


    Laughing Lenny
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    Oh do come off it Mufc. I simply asked you to give your own view on the two subjects you copied and pasted but gave no opinion about. As far as I can see, that’s all you ever do on here.
    Copy and paste is a waste of space! It says nothing and serves no positive purpose whatsoever.
    I’ll ask you again. What is your personal opinion of the two subjects you copied and posted this evening?
    I look forward to your explanation, – but I won’t hold my breath.


    nine nine nine
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    Good points Bingo humanitarian and hospital supplies as well as testing kits should be made available to Iran and should not be a part of any blockade.


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    Laughing Lenny – I’ll continue to post how I feel but I do apologize for my outburst. This virus has created a state of stress and paranoia within me. Maybe others feel like this? People may not have the symptoms but feel like they do.

    Again sorry my foul language.


    Laughing Lenny
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    There’s really no need to apologise for your outburst Mufc. Shit happens.
    Perhaps you should consider self-isolating for a couple of weeks.
    Cheers, Lenny.


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    Tried that Lenny. There is only so much wanking I could do.


    Laughing Lenny
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    Mufc. Your personal life is your business.
    Best to leave it there eh. Lenny.

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